
Psychology Month Profile

Dr. Rosen was profiled by the Canadian Psychological Association focusing on her recent research and sex trends in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the

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Let’s Talk About Sex

Dr Rosen is interviewed by CTV news for comment on the Waterloo Study that found frequency of sex is the most common concern reported by

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Let’s talk about sex, post-baby

An article in the Chronicle Herald on February 6, 2018 highlights the information session where the lab launched the #PostBabyHankyPanky intitiative developed from our research

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Let’s talk about (postpartum) sex.

Heather Laura Clarke is a self-described “over-sharing (TMI-prone) blogger” who talked about her involvement in the knowledge sharing initiative, #PostBabyHankyPanky in the The Chronicle Herald,

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The Agony of Intimacy

A journalist who was also a participant in one of our studies has published an essay on her experience with PVD (Provoked Vestibulodynia) and her

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The Agony of Intimacy

A former participant discusses her experiences as a participant in one of Dr. Rosen’s studies and the benefits it brought to her. Read the full

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Decreasing Pain Sensations

Dr. Rosen is interviewed by the QEII Times regarding her study on the effects of topical anaesthetic and couples cognitivie behavioural therapy on provoked vestibulodynia. Read the

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Sexual healing

Dr. Rosen speaks to Canadian Living about the incidence and criteria for sexual dysfunction.

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Taking Care of Down There

Dr. Kate Rancourt, a graduate of the CaSH Lab, was interviewed by The Signal about the Taking Care of Down There event, which discussed the importance of

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Three’s a Crowd – Halifax Magazine

Three’s a crowd: How do parents get their groove back after baby? Dalhousie University researchers are working on it [button link=”” newwindow=”yes” color=”silver”] Read Here[/button]

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Chronic pain During Sex Focus of Research at Dal

Stephanie Taylor from the The Chronicle-Herald profiles Dr. Rosen’s research, April 28th, 2014. [button link=”” newwindow=”yes” color=”silver”] Read Here[/button]

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