ALOE Study

Our team hopes to gain a better understanding of how pregnancy loss affects couples’ sexuality and relationships through this online study that involved 4 surveys, one each month, completed by couples who recently experienced a pregnancy loss. For many couples, it can be a difficult period of adjustment after a pregnancy loss. We will use […]

ORCHID: A Study of Sexual and Relational Well-being in Long-Term Couples

The purpose of this voluntary research study was to better understand how a variety of factors, including how couples respond to one another, communicate with one another regarding sexuality, relate to sexual and relational well-being in long-term relationships. Results of this study may identify new skills that couples could use to enhance or maintain sexual […]

Men Coping With Low Sexual Desire Study

The purpose of this study was to understand possible protective factors – meaning aspects of the relationship that might promote or interfere with sexual desire, as well as sexual and relationship satisfaction – that might help couples dealing with low sexual desire. The results of this study could then be used to develop psychological treatments. […]

A Study for Couples Coping with Low Sexual Desire

Couples Desire Study: A Study for Couples Coping with Low Sexual Desire We are recruiting couples where one partner has difficulties with low sexual desire and/or arousal to participate in an online research study. Who can participate? To participate in this study, both partners must agree and be: 18 years or older Fluent in English or French […]

CONNECT: A Couples’ Study

In this study, we recruited couples to participate in an online research study on relationships and sexual wellbeing, which involved one longer survey, followed by a period of daily diaries, and a follow-up survey 6-months later. Please check back for results as they are published!

Hey Baby! Couples’ Wellbeing Study

In this study, couples helped us understand how couples manage changes to their sexual well-being during the transition to parenthood but completing surveys from mid-pregnancy until 15-months postpartum, with a period of daily diaries at 3-months postpartum. Check back for the results of this research as they are published!

Bump 2 Baby! Couples’ Wellbeing Study

We recruited couples who were expecting their first child, or whose first child was under a year old, to participate in an online survey to explore the changes in sexual and relationship well-being in the transition to parenthood. Check back soon for findings from this research!

Couples Intimacy Observational Study

Participants are helping us to better understand how intimacy and emotions contribute to the sexual well-being of couples! Purpose We sought couples for a new research study on couples’ sexuality. The purpose of this study is to better understand how factors such as emotions and intimacy are linked to relational and sexual well-being of couples […]

Sexual Intimacy and Wellbeing Study

In this study, we recruited couples to participate in both longitudinal and daily online surveys about romantic and sexual relationships.

We look forward to sharing the results of this research with you soon!

Couples Coping with Low Sexual Interest/Arousal Study

In this study we recruited couples in which a woman experiences distressing low sexual interest or arousal. Our goals are to understand possible protective factors – meaning aspects of the relationship that might promote or interfere with sexual desire, as well as sexual and relationship satisfaction – that might help couples dealing with low sexual desire and arousal. The results of this study could then be used to develop psychological treatments.

Check back soon for findings from this research!