Couples Desire Study:
A Study for Couples Coping with Low Sexual Desire
We are recruiting couples where one partner has difficulties with low sexual desire and/or arousal to participate in an online research study.
Who can participate?
To participate in this study, both partners must agree and be:
- 18 years or older
- Fluent in English or French
- In a committed relationship for at least one year, with a minimum of four in-person contacts/week in the last month.
- Reside in Canada or the United States
In addition, one partner must be a woman OR assigned female at birth and:
- Experience regular difficulties with sexual desire and/or sexual arousal, which will be assessed during the eligibility process.
*Other criteria may apply
What does participation involve?
- First, we will determine if the study is a good fit for you and your partner. The partner with low sexual desire/arousal will first take part in an eligibility screening process, which will include two screening interviews.
- If eligible, both members of the couple will separately complete:
- Three online surveys (approximately 50-70 minutes each) over 12 months
- Brief online daily surveys for 56 days (approximately 8-15 minutes each day)
- Participants can receive up to $346/couple (Canadian Dollars) in gift cards for completing all surveys in the study.
All information is kept strictly confidential.
This study aims to be inclusive to individuals of all gender identities, bodies, and orientations.
Why are we doing this research?
Problems with low sexual desire and arousal are common, yet their impact on couples’ sexual, relationship, and overall well-being are poorly understood. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of different psychological factors on the sexual, relational, and psychological well-being of couples coping with low sexual desire. Results of this study will be used to help develop treatment interventions for couples affected by low desire.