Katrina Bouchard, PhD

Katrina Bouchard, PhD
Samantha Dawson, PhD

Dr. Samantha Dawson joined the Couples and Sexual Health Research Lab as a postdoctoral fellow in 2018 following completion of her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Queen’s University in Kingston. She is the recipient of a SSHRC Banting postdoctoral fellowship and an IWK postdoctoral fellowship for 2019-2021. Her multi-method research program seeks to understand the […]
Serena Corsini-Munt, PhD

Dr. Serena Corsini-Munt is a former postdoctoral fellow in the Couples and Sexual Heath (CaSH) Lab and is now an Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa’s Psychology Department. Her research focuses on the application of motivation theory to sexual desire, couples’ definitions of sexual desire, and investigating the impact of sexual desire problems on […]
Amy Muise, PhD

Dr. Amy Muise was a member of the Couples and Sexual Health lab as a postdoctoral fellow supported by an IWK Health Center fellowship. Amy is a Social Psychologist and relationship scientist who studies sexual motivation and the maintenance of sexual desire and relationship satisfaction in established romantic relationships. She will be applying her research on […]
Sarah Vannier, PhD

Dr. Sarah Vannier joined the Couples and Sexual Health Lab as a postdoctoral fellow in 2015 and holds SSHRC and IWK postdoctoral fellowships for 2016-2018. Her research tends to focus on sexual and romantic scripts and her dissertation research examined the association between violated romantic expectations (e.g., love at first sight, destiny) and relationship outcomes […]
Dr Marianne Pierce
Bio coming soon!
Dr. Mary Lou Baxter

Dr. Baxter is a dermatologist associated with Dalhousie University and the Capital District Health Authority (CDHA) in Halifax. Along with Dr. Delisle, she directs the gynaecolology-dermatology clinic at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre. She has collaborated with Dr. Rosen since 2010 on studies of women’s sexuality.
Dr. Sophie Bergeron

Dr. Bergeron is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the Université de Montréal. Her research focuses on the diagnosis, etiology, and treatment of gynecological pain, in particular dyspareunia. Dr. Bergeron has continued collaborating with Dr. Rosen since Dr. Rosen completed her post-doctoral work under her mentorship in 2012.
Dr. Jill Chorney

Dr. Jill MacLaren Chorney is an Assistant Professor of Anesthesia at Dalhousie University and a Clinical Psychologist with the Complex Pain Team at the IWK Health Centre. Dr. Chorney’s research interests are in the areas of perioperative care and psychosocial influences on children’s acute and chronic pain. Dr. Chorney collaborates with Dr. Rosen in the […]
Dr. Isabelle Delisle

Dr. Delisle is an obstetrician/gynaecologist associated with Dalhousie University and the IWK Health Centre in Halifax. Along with Dr. Baxter, she directs the gynaecolology-dermatology clinic at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre. She has collaborated with Dr. Rosen since 2010 on studies of women’s sexuality.