Dr. Katrina Bouchard joined the Couples and Sexual Health Laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow in 2021, following a year of supervised practice as a hospital-based psychologist in Ontario. She received her PhD in clinical psychology from Queen’s University in 2019, which included a predoctoral residency at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton/McMaster University. She is a member of the College of Psychologists of Ontario with practice areas in clinical and forensic/correctional psychology.
Katrina’s research program centers on understanding varied facets sexual response, including sexual interest/desire and arousal. Her dissertation research used multiple methods to examine how cisgender women’s sexual arousal is elicited and assessed in the laboratory. The overarching goal of Katrina’s research is to enhance the assessment and treatment of sexual health concerns for individuals and couples. During her postdoctoral fellowship, Katrina will develop and test a novel cognitive-behavioural couple therapy for women with sexual interest/arousal disorder and their partners.