Inês Tavares, PhD

Dr. Inês Tavares joined the CaSH lab as a SSHRC Banting Postdoctoral Fellow in 2022, after completing her PhD in Psychology at the University of Porto, Portugal. Her multi-method research program integrates laboratory and survey-based methodologies, as well as individual and dyadic approaches to examine biopsychosocial predictors of sexual well-being in clinical and community populations. […]
Eva Cohen

Research Assistant and Undergrad Researcher My name is Eva, I am an incoming fourth-year psychology major completing my honours project with the lab! I have been with the lab since September 2020, working as a volunteer, and then I had the amazing opportunity to complete an independent research project the following academic year. I looked […]
Charlene Belu, PhD

Dr. Charlene Belu joined the CaSH lab as a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow in 2022, after completing her PhD in Clinical Psychology at the University of New Brunswick. She completed her predoctoral residency at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre. Charlene has broad interests in sexuality and her research program examines the formation, maintenance, and breakup of romantic relationships, […]
Kathleen Nesbitt-Daly

Research Assistant
Samantha Myers

Research Assistant
Marcus Cormier

Research Assistant
Heather Oliveira

Research Assistant
Katrina Bouchard, PhD

Katrina Bouchard, PhD
Brenna Bagnell

Research Assistant I am in my fourth year doing a Combined Honours in Psychology and Social Anthropology. Last year I joined the lab for an Independent Study Project and this year I have completed my honours project with the ALOE study! Specifically, I looked at how perinatal grief may mediate couples’ religiosity and sexual satisfaction […]
David Allsop

I joined the Couples and Sexual Health Research Lab as an experimental psychology doctoral student in 2020 after completing my Master of Science in Marriage, Family, and Human Development at Brigham Young University. My primary research focus is healthy sexual relationships in long-term committed relationships over the life course, primarily in terms of how couples […]