Let’s Talk About Sex

Dr Rosen is interviewed by CTV news for comment on the Waterloo Study that found frequency of sex is the most common concern reported by couples in long term relationships. https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=1690386&binId=1.1145729&playlistPageNum=1

Sex During Your Pregnancy

Dr. Rosen was interviewed by New York Times Parenting regarding sex during pregnancy. Read the article here.

Tips for Better Sex in 2019

Dr. Rosen was interviewed by Find Your Pleasure about ways for new parents to have better sex. Read the article here.

Polyamory gaining acceptance as a co-parenting family.

According to Zosia Bielski in her Globe and Mail article ‘Boring and normal’: The new frontier of polyamorous parenting (December 2 2018), the parenting issues for polyamorous families is not dissimilar to making blended families work. There is evidence to suggest that this is a growing trend in Canadian relationships.