Is sex still painful years after childbirth? Taking a closer look at persistent postpartum pain

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels By Ella Vermeir This blog is a summary of our published article: Rossi, MA.,* Vermeir, E.,* Brooks, M., Pierce, M., Pukall, CF., & Rosen, NO. (2021). Comparing self-reported pain during intercourse and pain during a standardized gynecological exam at 12- and 24-month postpartum. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 19(1), 116-131. […]
Not tonight, baby: Understanding when a partner is not in the mood

By Maria Belen Field Lira This blog is a summary of our published article: Muise, A., Kim, J. J., Impett, E. A., & Rosen, N. O. (2017). Understanding when a partner is not in the mood: Sexual communal strength in couples transitioning to parenthood. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 1993-2006. Photo by Anna Shvets […]