CODEs: Couples Sexuality and Relationship Study
The CODEs Study was an online couple’s study, and our participants’ data acted as control data for the Couples Desire Study (SIADS Study).
Check back soon for findings from this research!
Postpartum Couples Study
Research on how couples manage discomfort or pain in the postpartum period.
Check back soon for findings from this project!
Sexual Well-being and Intimacy for Couples Living Together
This portion of the study is no longer recruiting new participants. Thank you for your interest in our study! We look forward to sharing the results with you in the future!
Sexual and Romantic Relationships of First Time Parents
This study is closed for recruitment! Keep an eye on the site for the exciting findings!
Factors Impacting Sexual Satisfaction and Relationship Satisfaction in First Time Parents: A Dyadic Analysis
This study is now closed for recruitment. Please check back for an update regarding our findings as they become available!