Not tonight, I’m too tired: Associations between infant sleep, parental sleep, and sexual well-being in new parents

By Lucy Coady This blog is a summary of our published article: MacKenzie, N. E., Gordon, A. M., Impett, E. A., & Rosen, N. O. (2022). Indirect associations between infant sleep, parental sleep, and sexual well-being in new parent couples. Journal of Family Psychology. Photo by William Fortunato on Pexels New parents’ sexual frequency […]
Baby, are we meant to be? A longitudinal investigation of couples’ sexual growth and destiny beliefs in the transition to parenthood

By Sophie Marchetti This blog is a summary of our published article: Rossi, M. A., Impett, E. A., Dawson, S. J., Vannier, S., Kim, J., & Rosen, N. O. (2022). A longitudinal investigation of couples’ sexual growth and destiny beliefs in the transition to parenthood. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(3), 1559-1575. Photo by Amina Filkins on Pexels […]
Navigating parenthood together: Exploring relationship satisfaction and commitment in first-time parents

By Malia Artibello This blog is a summary of our published article: Leonhardt, N. D., Rosen, N. O., Dawson, S. J., Kim, J. J., Johnson, M. D., & Impett, E. A. (2022). Relationship satisfaction and commitment in the transition to parenthood: A couple-centered approach. Journal of Marriage and Family, 84(1), 80–100. As a couple transitions into the world of parenthood (prenatal to 12 months […]
How will my sexual well-being be affected by becoming a parent?

By Quinn MacDonald This blog is a summary of our published article: Rosen, N. O., Dawson, S. J., Leonhardt, N. D., Vannier, S. A., & Impett, E. A. (2021). Trajectories of sexual well-being among couples in the transition to parenthood. Journal of Family Psychology, 35(4), 523–533. Transitioning to parenthood for the first time can […]
Let’s talk about cost, baby! Perceived financial burden, quality of life, sexual well-being in couples seeking medically assisted reproduction

By Lucy Coady and David Allsop This blog is a summary of our published article: Allsop, D. B., Péloquin, K., Saxey, M. T., Rossi, M. A., & Rosen, N. O. (2023). Perceived financial burden is indirectly linked to sexual well-being via quality of life among couples seeking medically assisted reproduction. Frontiers in Psychology, 14. Medically […]
Did I meet your expectations? A longitudinal couples’ study on unmet and exceeded sexual expectations during the transition to parenthood.

By Brianna MacDonald This blog is a summary of our published article: Rosen, N. O., Vannier, S. A., Johnson, M. D., McCarthy, L., & Impett, E. A. (2022). Unmet and exceeded expectations for sexual concerns across the transition to parenthood. The Journal of Sex Research, 1-12. Welcoming a new baby can be an exciting […]
Are sexual and relationship well-being tied to one another for couples in the transition to parenthood?

By Malia Artibello & Inês Tavares This blog is a summary of our published article: Tavares I. M., Rosen, N. O., Heiman, J. R., & Nobre, P. J. (2023). Longitudinal associations between relational and sexual well-being in couples transitioning to parenthood. Family Process, 00, 1–18. famp.12859 The transition to parenthood—the period from pregnancy until […]
Mind Over Matter: Exploring the relationship between mindfulness and body Image in first-time parents

By Sophia Marchetti & Inês Tavares This blog is a summary of our published article: Tavares, I. M., Rosen, N. O., Heiman, J. R., & Nobre, P. J. (2023). Longitudinal associations between mindfulness and changes to body image in first-time parent couples. Body Image, 44, 187-196. Both positive body image and mindfulness contribute to better sexual […]
Let’s talk during sex, baby: Gender/sex differences in sexual communication

By Kathleen Nesbitt-Daly This blog is a summary of our published article: Merwin, K. E., Bergeron, S., Jodouin, J. F., Mackinnon, S. P., & Rosen, N. O. (2022). Few differences in sexual talk by gender/sex and dyad type: A retrospective and daily diary study with couples. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(8), 3715-3733. Communicating during sex is an important part […]
I’m worried, are you?: How sexual concerns of new parents change over time

By David Allsop This blog is a summary of our published article: Allsop, D. B., Impett, E. A., Vannier, S. A., & Rosen, N. O. (2022). Change in 21 sexual concerns of new parents from three to twelve months postpartum: Similarities and differences between mothers and partners. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 1-12. The transition to parenthood is both […]