Serena Corsini-Munt, PhD

Dr. Serena Corsini-Munt is a former postdoctoral fellow in the Couples and Sexual Heath (CaSH) Lab and is now an Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa’s Psychology Department. Her research focuses on the application of motivation theory to sexual desire, couples’ definitions of sexual desire, and investigating the impact of sexual desire problems on […]
Canadian study looks at sex lives of first-time parents – CBC News
Click here to read CBC’s coverage of findings from our initial investigation of the role of empathy in the sex lives of new parents!
Sex after baby: New study offers surprising finding about new fathers – Ottawa Citizen
Recent coverage of findings from our lab regarding the role of empathy and communication in the sexual relationships of first-time parents. Click here to read more.
Coverage of our Research Regarding New Parents’ Concerns – Sydney Morning Herald
Despite the the headline, which is less than ideal and is clearly meant to be sensationalizing, and a bit of misinterpretation of the findings, this article does highlight some of the important findings from a recent study from the CaSH Lab. Click here to read more.